Frequently Asked Questions |
A Link to the HQ VFW FAQ and Search Page
New Members Information Guide - All new Post 392 members should download and read this guide, which provides information for all our post veterans, and our Ladies Auxiliary. Updated February 2021.
Compensation and Benefits Handbook - For the Seriously Ill and Injured Members of the Armed Forces.
A Summary Of VA Benefits- Putting Veterans First
- A Veterans Affairs (VA) Fact Sheet with general and specific information regarding your VA Benefits.
Special Extra Earnings for Military Service Read this if you served on AD between 1957 and 2001!!
Where is VFW Post 392 located?
Scroll to the top of the page and you'll see our address in the header. You can get directions by clicking the link on the Contact Us page.
Does VFW Post 392 have an Auxiliary?
Yes, we have a very active auxiliary, open to qualified members. The qualifications for membership can be found by clicking here.
When does Post 392 hold meetings? The regular monthly business meetings for both the Post and the Auxiliary are held on the first Tuesday of each month, starting at 7:00 p.m. The House Committee meeting is held on the Wednesday of the week immediately prior to the Post business meeting, and begins at 6:30 p.m.
I'm a veteran in need of assistance. How do I get help? If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911 for immediate assistance. The VFW strongly advocates suicide prevention. If you need to talk to someone, you can CALL 988 and Press 1, click here to go to a VA website where Veterans and their loved ones can chat online at, or send a text message to 838255 to receive free, confidential support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, even if they are not registered with VA or enrolled in VA health care. VA also provides support for Service members through the Military Crisis Line. Service members and their families and friends can call and text the Veterans Crisis Line numbers and can chat online at For non-emergent situations, the best method to obtain help is to call the Post and ask to be referred to the Service Officer, or if he is not available, the Quartermaster or any other Post Officer. Your situation will be reviewed and we will assist if we can or refer you to the correct agency for your issue.
I'm a member of the VFW but I don't believe I'm getting my money's worth. What can I do to fix this? The VFW is not just a social group. We're a service organization dedicated to assisting veterans and their families. The best way you can realize a profit on your investment is to BE INVOLVED. Post 392 has events going on every month in support of our members and their families, local veterans, and their families, our local community, and in support of national veterans programs. These events require the time, effort, and support of our membership. Even if you only come out and help out for an hour a month, the reward of seeing the smiles on the faces of those served or helped, the camaraderie with those that have served and understand what makes a veteran special, and the knowledge that your efforts contribute to our success and the greater good of our community are what make the difference. For more information on Post events, click on the Calendar of Events tab in the column of links on the left side of this page.
I like to visit the Post for lunch, after work, or on weekends to relax, get something to eat or drink, and maybe watch a sporting event. What do you offer and can I bring friends? The Post 392 Canteen is open 7 days a week. The schedule can be found on the Contact Us page. We offer lunch from 11:30-2:00, Monday through Friday, have a weekly dinner on Thursday evenings and the Kitchen is open on Friday evenings and Sundays during NFL season. All NASCAR races and Sunday Ticket NFL games are shown on the nine big-screen TV's at the Post, which when not otherwise in use, can be tuned to other sporting events as available. As for your friends, absolutely!! You simply need to sign them in and have fun! For more information regarding this, please refer to the
Member Guide and Calendar of Events page.
My question isn't addressed above. Who do I ask for an answer?
The Post Officers,
Auxiliary Officers, and Canteen Staff stand ready to provide
assistance or direction to the proper source for assistance. You can
reach us by visiting the post, calling via telephone, or by e-mail
using the links provided on the Contact Us page.p>
We need volunteers to assist with our Post events; please contact any Post Officer.
"Our strength is in our volunteers"
Copyright © 2010-2025 Veterans of the Foreign Wars of the United States and Veterans of the Foreign Wars of the United States Post 392. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy