Veterans of Foreign Wars of the
United States of America
General MacArthur Memorial Post No. 392
2408 Bowland Parkway, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23454
PH: (757) 486-5875

VFW Post 392 Newsletter Page


 It is our pleasure to present to you the latest edition of RED, WHITE, and BLUE THREE NINETY TWO's Monthly Newsletter. The July 2024 Newsletter is now available for your review. In it you will find messages from Post and Auxiliary Leadership, upcoming events, recent past events, birthdays, passings, Canteen information, and longevity awards. Please take time to review the Newsletter in its entirety to see what YOUR VFW Post is doing for our members and community. Also note that the printed hard copy of the Newsletter is only current as of the time of publication - events are subject to being added, changed, or deleted, and the electronic copy found below is updated for that month. For the most up to date calendar of events, click on the link on the left to view our Calendar page.  

Our Monthly Newsletter and Calendar recently earned a national award for design and content. For full information, click on this link:
 National Publications Contest Winners Announced for 2023-24 - VFW. Alternately, click here to open a PDF file of the announcement.

The VFW Department of Virginia is very much aware of the problem with the lack of funding for the Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Program in the budget approved last week. We are tracking it and other issues important to Virginia veterans and VFW members. VFW Department of Virginia Commander Gary Adams has released a letter urging support for reinstatement of these benefits. The letter also strongly urges VFW members to use caution in how they express themselves with regard to this issue. A copy of the letter in PDF format is available by clicking here.

Updates regarding Tricare Costs for 2024 can be found at the bottom of this page.

Also, scroll down to see this year's VFW Post 392 Patriot's Pen, Voice of Democracy, and Teacher of the Year winners, as well as the National winners for 2024!

  Scroll down to see links to the past year's worth of Newsletters. At the bottom of the page is contact information for our Virginia State VA Representatives in Virginia Beach and updated information (as of 11/8/2023) regarding changes to TRICARE.

The Virginia Department of Veterans Services (DVS) Spring 2024 eNews, Volume 2, has been published (April 2024). It contains important information for Virginia veterans and their families. You can read it by clicking here. (Updated 4/24/2024)

The attached document contains reproductive health facts and guidelines determined by the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense. Click here to download the PDF file.






For the last week our Communications Department has been working on a couple of videos that we are now putting out on Social Media to counter the ads that the “Claims Sharks” are just now starting to put out.  They are not Camp Lejeune ads; these are ads by firms stating they can handle veterans claims and get the veteran all the benefits they deserve or can help them increase their existing claims.  Of course, there is a cost to this, and it comes out of the veterans pocket and the Veteran has already paid through their service.


While our Washington office is busy working on the legislative side to address these “Claims Sharks”, we on the fraternal side can make sure we do our best to starve the “Claims Sharks” so they do not have enough to eat.  I am sure many of you have heard about combined arms through your service.  It is important that while we work diligently in D.C. we must also work just as hard out in the trenches by combining that one-two punch of combined arms. 


I am adamant that the VFW show up to any fight where veterans need us.  The two ads below are the ads that will be going out on Social Media nationwide to show our members, those veterans who need us and the rest of the world that we are present on the battlefield of veteran’s advocacy and always will be.


Please pass this email on to the members in your respective Departments and ask them to look for them on Social Media.  I would ask that when they see our ads on whatever Social Media channel share and or tag them with other veterans and their families.


These two are a start. More are being developed. 


Any questions, concerns or compliments please let me know.


Through your service, YOU’VE ALREADY PAID FOR VA CLAIMS ASSISTANCE! Don’t let the “Claim Sharks” take part of what’s yours. Contact a VFW Accredited Service Officer today!


Through your service, YOU’VE ALREADY PAID FOR ACCESS TO VA BENEFITS. You’ve also earned the backing of America’s largest war veterans organization. So let our Accredited Service Officers help you file your VA claim AT NO COST and steer clear of “Claim Sharks.”


Dan West

Adjutant General

Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States

406 W. 34th Street

Kansas City, Missouri 64111


Join at


February 2023 – September 30, 2024

The Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) is piloting new services that do not require in-person visits to Real-time Automated Personnel Identification System (RAPIDS) sites, including implementation of an online USID card renewal capability. With this new capability, select card recipients will have the ability to request renewal of their USID card online, via ID Card Office Online (IDCO) and have the new card mailed directly to them. After approving online requests from eligible card recipients (see Question 1 below), DMDC will produce the USID card and mail it to the card recipient.

Phase 1 will be a limited pilot capability available starting in February 2023. The pilot period will be February 2023 – September 30, 2024. Additional expansions of the pilot to additional USID card holders (e.g., to DS Logon users, see Question 1 below) during the pilot period will be announced as they are implemented.

For the full documentation regarding this program, download the PDF file by clicking on the link below: USID Card Renewal FAQ_v1.1.pdf

From VFW Post 392 Canteen Manager Shelly Hughes:


VFW Post Members, Good Day!

  I wanted to address a few issues we are having with regard to our access control system door locks, electronic key fobs, and their usage. The purpose of the newer system of door locks and key fobs is to protect our members and our employees from unnecessary risks. The system only works if we as a group use it appropriately. Having said that please follow the procedures listed below:

  1. Please bring your fob with you when visiting the Post. This saves the bartenders from having to confirm your membership and authorization to use the facility. If guests accompany you, they must be signed in immediately upon arrival.

  2. Opening the door(s) and allowing access to our Post is the responsibility of the bartender on duty. Please don't open the door for anyone that doesn't have their fob. Again, this is the responsibility of the bartender on duty.

  3. Never allow access to the Post to anyone that you don't personally know. We need to know their reason for wanting access and review photo identification for all individuals that are not known members.

  4. Never, under any circumstances, should any exterior access door be propped open without the express permission of the Quartermaster, Canteen Manager, or bartender on duty, and then only for long enough to move deliveries or equipment through the door. Exterior doors will not be left open if unattended.

   Violations of this policy will be reported to the House Committee Chairperson for action.

  If you need a replacement fob or haven't picked up your fob from the Post, please see the bartender on duty or Quartermaster John Phillips.

   If you have any questions, please let me know.


Shelly Hughes

Canteen Manager


Please note that this prohibition includes vaping and e-cigarettes. Smoking is permitted on the covered patio.

Please refresh the page to ensure you're seeing the most recent version.



Tweets by @VFWPost392
The current and past year's Newsletters
(Click the link to open the Newsletter)
The current VFW Magazine
(Click to view Magazine)
July 2024 Newsletter Online
June 2024 Newsletter Online
May 2024 Newsletter Online
2024 Community Service Awards
April 2024 Newsletter Online
March 2024 Newsletter Online
February 2024 Newsletter Online
January 2024 Newsletter Online
January 2024 Scholarships Insert
December 2023 Newsletter Online
November 2023 Newsletter Online
October 2023 Newsletter Online
September 2023 Newsletter Online
August 2023 Newsletter Online
July 2023 Newsletter Online


E-Newsletter & Updates
(All New Post 392 and our Auxiliary members should do this so you can be added to our email list! Your address will not be shared and you will not normally receive more than 1-2 emails a month from us.)
Would you like to have the latest newsletter delivered to your e-mail inbox?  Sign up here for your monthly free copy of the "VFW 392 Newsletter", which is sent out towards the end of each month. If you have not received any electronic correspondence from the Post and wish to do so, please sign up below by clicking on the link, entering your name in the body of the email, and hitting "send". Your name and/or e-mail address will not be shared with or sold to anyone else.

The Newsletter contains Post updates, messages from the Post leadership, special events and features, and news about important topics relevant to veterans and today's active-duty, Reserve and Guard members.

Important: If you do sign up or currently receive e-mail notifications from the post, please ensure you add to your contact list to ensure the e-mails are not sent to your SPAM folder.
Subscribe to the  VFW Post 392 Mailing List__
To unsubscribe, click this button ---->

Please note that we are now accepting advertisements within our Newsletter.

All ads are paid advertisements, and are not endorsed by the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

The prices are as follows:
Ad Size – Price per Duration
Full Page – Monthly $150.00
Full Page – Quarterly $400.00
Full Page – Yearly $1500.00
½ Page – Monthly $75.00
½ Page – Quarterly $135.00
½ Page – Yearly $775.00
¼ Page – Monthly $50.00
¼ Page – Quarterly $135.00
¼ Page – Yearly $450.00
Business Card – Monthly $30.00
Business Card – Quarterly $80.00
Business Card – Yearly $275.00

Be Seen In Our Newsletter!

VFW Post 392 offers advertising space within our newsletter. We have a monthly circulation of over 2100, and unlimited potential via this website.
All content must be submitted to the Post for review and approval prior to the 15th of each month.

If you are interested in purchasing advertisement space within our newsletter, please contact John Phillips, VFW Post 392 Quartermaster, at (757) 486-5875 or via   e-mail at

VFW Post 392 On Facebook And Twitter
While the Post Newsletter is only updated monthly, regular updates about happenings at the Post are posted to both the VFW Post 392 and VFW Post 392 Auxiliary pages on Facebook. Additionally, Post 392 can now be found on Twitter, at
To keep up with current events, click the appropriate page name above or the links on the left side or bottom of any page on this website and you will be taken to that page.


Below you will find the 2024 VFW Legislative Goals. Please click here to open a full size copy of the document for review.



VFW Post is now selling 2' x 2' Legacy Ceiling Tiles that can be hung in the Canteen or Main Hall Ceiling at the Post. They are very high quality and can be ordered at the Post for $65.00. You may obtain one for yourself, or to memorialize any veteran whose service you wish to honor. This includes members of our Auxiliary!

There are already over sixty in place, and they look great!! The order form can be downloaded by clicking here. Here are some examples of Legacy Tiles already in place. Click the image to see full size. You can view additional tiles and get additional information by opening the August 2021 MOCA Insert.


Letter from VFW Post 392 Member Stu Carson

Regarding Old Dominion Honor Flight Mission 4 

On April 22nd, 2023, VFW Post 392 member Stu Carson (Command Master Chief, USN, Retired) was one of several bus loads of veterans honored with a free trip to the USMC Museum in Quantico VA and multiple memorials in Washington D.C. as part of Old Dominion Honor Flight Mission #4. Stu was escorted by then Past Post 392 Commander Troy Wagers. Below is a letter Stu wrote detailing his trip and thanking those involved in the ODHF mission. To see a full size copy of the letter, simply click on it to open it. Our thanks to Stu for his gracious words!!


NOTE: We lost Stu on March 21st, 2024, a month shy of a year since he attended this Honor Flight Mission. We note this to advise those that may be considering going, or know someone that should go on an Honor Flight Mission, to sign-up before it is too late. ODHF is currently accepting applicants with service during the Vietnam War or prior, or more recent veterans with disabilities that may be expected to shorten their lifespan or otherwise preclude them from travelling to visit these memorials. Please visit Old Dominion Honor Flight to learn more and register as a Veteran attendee, Guardian, or in a support role.



The Scholarship Program for VFW Post 392, VFW Post Auxiliary 392 and VFW Post 1211 will have the first meeting on Monday July 22, 2024. Anyone interested in helping with this program for both Posts, please meet with us at 11:00 am in the Auxiliary Room at VFW Post 392. A lot of planning goes into this program and if you are interested, PLEASE COME TO THIS MEETING. We cover all the Virginia Beach Schools, both public and private.

If you don’t want to work on the planning, and are more interested in Judging Essays, Artwork, Teacher of the Year, Scout of the Year and the Virginia Beach Community Service Awards (Law Enforcement Officer of the Year, Deputy Sheriff of the Year, 911 Responder of the Year, Firefighter of the Year, EMT of the Year, etc.

VFW Post 392 and Auxiliary and VFW 1211 have worked together on scholarships for the last couple of years. It takes ‘Fantastic Volunteers’ to get all this accomplished. If you are interested and cannot make the meeting, please send me your name, number and email so I can ADD you to the list of volunteers. Thank you for your support.

Sue C. Sowers Scholarship Chairperson r /> Phone: 757-641-0624



VFW Post & Auxiliary 392 and 1211 accepted applications/entries for the VFW Auxiliary’s annual scholarships & contests for kindergarten through high school students who may compete for thousands of dollars in scholarships and prize earnings. The entry deadline was October 31st. All winning entries were sent to VFW Virginia District 2 for competition at that level. State and National Level competition has been completed. All of our Post winners listed below were recognized and received awards on April 11th, 2024, during our Community Service Awards Ceremony. o:p>































THANK YOU TO ALL THE VOLUNTEERS WHO HELPED WITH THE JUDGING: Gloria Jackson, Marisa Tanner, D.C. Santos, Laura Santos, Kenny Golden, Ann Marie Brothers, Sylvia and Jim Smith, Connie Mitchell, Martin Wood, T. J. DeChamplain, and Dinah Doyle.


Also, a special THANK YOU to those who helped get everything out to the Schools: Gloria Jackson, Dinah Doyle, Lillian Parker-Shuler, Carol Tippin, and Marisa Tanner. 

Submitted by Sue C. Sowers, Scholarship Chairperson




Voice of Democracy: Topic: ‘What Are the Greatest Attributes of our Democracy?’ This is type written and then dictated on a USB Drive or other electronic device.  3-5 minutes (+ or – 5 seconds max). Completed entry form.  You must be the sole author and dictation must be in your own voice and in English.  The body of the Essay must not identify you in any way.  Also, no music, singing, poetry or sound effects. Be sure to sign your entry. Grades 9-12 only. Open to public, private or parochial school students as well a home school study programs and dependents of US Military or Civilian personnel in overseas schools. One winner for every 15 entries move up to the next level, District. To see the 2024 National winner, visit this link: VFW 2024 National Youth Scholarship Winners Named - VFW.

Patriot’s Pen:  Topic: ‘How Are You Inspired by America?  A typewritten essay in English with no color or graphics.  300-400 words in length (+ or – 5 words max.)  Do not put your name on your essay.  Your entry form is your essays cover sheet. Essay must be the contestant’s original work and a product of the contestant’s own thinking.  No poetry is accepted.  Be sure to sign your entry. Open to public, private or parochial school students as well a home school study programs and dependents of US Military or Civilian personnel in overseas schools. One winner for every 15 entries move up to the next level, District.  Grades 6, 7, and 8 only. To see the 2024 National Winner, visit this link: VFW 2024 National Youth Scholarship Winners Named - VFW.

Smart/Maher VFW National Citizenship Education Teacher Award:  All entering, please make sure you have all your information submitted, including Head and Shoulder Photo, completed and signed entry form, one page resume, up to 5 pages teaching experience including references, news articles, etc. Please make sure to read over the instructions with your entry. For further information, click this link: Teacher of the Year - VFW

All entries for Post 392 and 1211 should be mailed or delivered to: VFW Post 392, 2408 Bowland Parkway, Virginia Beach, VA  23454.  Any questions, please feel free to call Sue Sowers, Scholarship Chairman, 757-641-0624.


High School:

Voice of Democracy - This audio-essay program provides high school students with the unique opportunity to express themselves in a patriotic-themed recorded essay. The 2024-25 theme is: "Is America Today Our Forefathers' Vision?" Each year, nearly 25,000 9-12 grade students enter to win their share of more than $2 million in educational scholarships and incentives awarded through the program. The national first place winner receives a $35,000 scholarship paid directly to their American university, college or vocational/technical school. Other national scholarships range from $1,000-$21,000 and the first-place winner from each VFW Department (state) wins at least a scholarship of $1,000. For 2024 Applications must be turned in to VFW Post 392 by midnight, October 31, 2024.  Before submitting your essay, read the rules and eligibility requirements on  or contact the Scholarship Chairman.

Young American Patriotic Art Contest - Students submit an original two-dimensional piece of artwork. Entry must have been completed during the current school year. Student entries must be submitted to VFW Auxiliary 392 by March 31, 2024. Students begin by competing at the local VFW Auxiliary level. The first-place winner from each Auxiliary advances to the Department (state) competition. Department first-place winners compete for their share of $34,000 in national awards, and the national first-place winner is awarded a $15,000 scholarship. To download an entry form, visit


3-Dimensional Dimensional Patriotic Art Contest - Students submit an original three-dimensional piece of artwork. Entry must have been completed during the current school year. Students begin by competing at the local VFW Auxiliary level. Student entries must be submitted to VFW Auxiliary 392 by March 31, 2024. The first-place winner from each Auxiliary advances to the Department (state) competition. Department first-place winners compete for their share of $4,000 in national awards, and the national first-place winner is awarded a $2,500 scholarship. To download an entry form, visit


Middle School

Patriot’s Pen - Students in grades 6-8 may enter the VFW’s Patriot’s Pen youth essay contest for a chance to win their share of more than $1.4 million in state and national awards. The 2024-25 theme is: "My Voice in America's Democracy?" Each first-place state winner receives a minimum of $500 at the national level and the national first place winner wins $5,000. The essay contest encourages young minds to examine America’s history, along with their own experiences in modern American society, by drafting a 300- to 400-word essay based on a patriotic theme. Entrants are due to VFW POST 392 by midnight, Oct. 31, 2024. Before submitting your essay, read the rules and eligibility requirements at Youth Scholarships - VFW.


Any questions or to request entry forms or rules and regulations, contact the Scholarship Chairman at or call 757-641-0624.


Attention Teachers! 


Get Acquainted with VFW's Programs (Click to open)

National Scholarship Programs Brochure (Click to open)



Scout of the Year: Scouts who are registered, active members of a Boy or Girl Scout Troop, Venturing Crew, or a Sea Scout Ship who have received the Eagle Scout Award, Girl Scout Gold Award, Venture Summit Award or Sea Scout Quartermaster Award.  Closed for the 2023-2024 Season. For further information, visit ScoutoftheYearBrochureandEntryForm.pdf (



State Veterans Services is locate in Pembroke Bldg 5, 293 North Independence Blvd, Suite 109, Virginia Beach VA 23462, (757) 552-1884, Fax 757-552-1882. You can also contact the Dept of VA concerning your VA questions and concerns at 1-800-827-1000 or click this link for full information:


Korean War Legacy Foundation



We hope this email finds you, your family, and the members of your organization well.  Please allow us, at the Korean War Legacy Foundation, to reintroduce ourselves.  Our goal at KWLF,, is to preserve the memory and legacy of the Korean War so that future generations will understand the sacrifices that Korean War veterans made during the war in order to promote democracy and freedom.  

Our organization strives to preserve the memory of the Korean War and those who fought in it.  With this goal in mind, our newest project, THE 22 , is a website designed to create an online community that honors and memorializes the service of all those who fought in the Korean War.  We hope to have profiles from all 22 participating nations in the war and eventually create lesson plans so that the Korean War has its rightful place in history classes across the country. 

We would like to invite you and your members to not only visit the website, but also create profiles to honor the heroes in your organization.  At KWLF we often feature these profiles on our Facebook page, and we plan on highlighting many of them at the Korean War Veterans Memorial Wall of Remembrance Dedication Ceremony this July in Washington D.C. 

We are aware that the new Korean War Veterans Memorial Wall of Remembrance might be inaccessible to many vets, and we hope that our site, THE 22, will serve as an extension of the memorial to honor both fallen soldiers and all others who served.  Please know that we are a non-profit organization and will never charge or solicit anyone on our websites.  Creation of profiles on THE 22  is free and advertisement free.  We hope to highlight the VFW Chapter with the most profiles on our website and email blasts. 

Should you have any questions, we would be happy to help you navigate our websites.  

We thank you for your service and dedication to veterans,

Michelle Penyy

Click the image below to open to a PDF file with instructions and live links.



Almost a century ago, the VFW National Home for Children began as a place where families left behind by war could remain together. Today, the National Home has evolved to meet the changing needs of America’s military and veterans’ families.



The Public can now lay flowers on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery for the first time in 100 years. Click this link for further information.


Changes to TRICARE

Know Your 2024 TRICARE Health Plan Costs

Copyright © 2010-2024 Veterans of the Foreign Wars of the United States and Veterans of the Foreign Wars of the United States Post 392.
All rights reserved. Privacy Policy