Community Service
Individual Community Service Report Form
Reportable activities for Community Service: Volunteering for Red Cross, Meals on Wheels, Hospice, VA Hospital or any hospital, helping senior citizens, Suicide Hot Line, Battered Woman’s Shelters, helping in our schools or churches are just a few of the many things that qualify as Community Service. If you volunteer your time and talents, if you walk for the Heart Fund, Cancer Fund, March of Dimes or do anything that is a service to our Community, or any other worthy cause, please fill out this form and return it to the post or email it to one of VFW Post 392 Officers. Turn in your volunteer hours, monetary donations and miles. Help the Post properly report our members Community Service Activities. Your assistance may also give our Post the opportunity to be considered for the “Excellence in Community Service Award.” You may report events singularly or by each month by clicking on the Community Service Report Form link above, completing the form, and turning it in to the post, or sending it via e-mail to the Post Commander at
On the evening of Thursday, April
13th, 2023, VFW Post 392 and our Auxiliary hosted our
Community Service Awards Night Ceremony. Including staff
members and our Awardees, we had a total turn out nearing
100. It was really great to see so many family members,
friends and co-workers in attendance to support our Awardees
as they were recognized for their achievement.
After introductions by Post
Adjutant Michael Marushia, our Master of Ceremonies for the
evening, opening the ceremony was Post Commander John
Flavin, with Jr. Vice Commander John Wikkerink leading us in
the Pledge of Allegiance. The opening prayer was given by
Auxiliary Chaplain Connie Mitchell, then welcoming remarks
by Auxiliary President Carol Mueller.
Following Auxiliary President
Mueller’s remarks, Scholarship Chairman Connie Mitchell
stepped forward to begin announcing the winners for the
Patriot’s Pen Essay Contest and the Voice of Democracy Audio
Essay Contest. Ms. Mitchell began by explaining how the
Scholarship Program was just one of the many programs run by
the Post. She then mentioned the programs under
Scholarships, namely: Patriot’s Pen, Voice of Democracy, Art
Contests (2- and 3-Dimensional), Teacher of the Year, Scout
of the Year and our Public Servants (police, sheriff,
firefighter, EMT and new this year was the addition of the
After explaining the requirements
for the written essay under Patriot’s Pen, the theme and how
it was chosen and the criteria the judges used when scoring
the essays, Ms. Mitchell also mentioned that National had
announced the national winner and that they received a
$5,000 award, with the remaining state winners receiving
from $4,000 down to $500. No one left with less than $500.
For the winners at the Post level, please give a big hand to
first-place winner Brooks Jolly, second-place winner Bryson
Cox and third-place winner Christopher Field. All from Star
of the Sea Catholic School.
Like Patriot’s Pen, the
requirements, theme and criteria were explained for the
Voice of Democracy Audio Contest. Again, national had also
announced the national winner, who won a $35,000 scholarship
to any American college, university, occupational/technical
school of their choice. For here at the Post level, please
give a big hand to first-place winner Anna Serrano of
Oaktree Academy, second-place winner Nathanial Swindle of
Ocean Lakes High School and third-place winner Jessica
Fortin of Bayside High School.
Once Connie had completed
announcing the above winners, Adjutant Marushia continued
announcing the award winner, starting with reading the
nomination of our Scout of the Year selectee, Girl Scout
Morgan Lynch of Frank W. Cox High School. Morgan was unable
to attend due to traveling with friends over Spring Break.
However, her mother was there to accept on her behalf.
As mentioned above, we have two
Art Contests, one for 2-dimensional and the other for
3-dimensional. Sadly, we did not have an entry under the
3-dimensional art. Under the two-dimensional art, our
first-place winner is Patricia Lausier of Chesapeake
Academy, second place is Julia Templeton of Oaktree Academy.
For third place we have Zinnia Giordano, also of Oaktree
Academy, who was also unable to attend due to Spring Break
and travel.
For Teacher of the Year, we have
Janet K. White, a teacher from Star of the Sea Catholic
Under “Salute to Virginia Beach’s
“Finest,” the following were nominated by their peers:
Emergency Medical Technician of the Year – Kyle Hanrahan,
Firefighter of the Year – Vincent G. Smith III, Deputy
Sheriff of the Year – Crystal M. Repass, Police Officer of
the Year – PO2 Charlotte Mayberry, and Dispatcher of the
Year – PSET2 Lindsey Pierce.
In the Closing Ceremony,
Auxiliary President Carol Mueller stepped forward to say a
few closing remarks, followed by closing prayer by Auxiliary
Chaplain Connie Mitchell. Before stepping back, Ms. Mitchell
mentioned that National has also announced the themes for
the 2023-2024 year. For Patriot’s Pen, which is for
students in grades 6 – 8, the theme is “How Are You Inspired
by America?” For the Voice of Democracy Audio Contest, which
is for students at the high school level, the theme for next
year is “What Are the Greatest Attributes of Our Democracy?”
Ms. Mitchell announced that she announced this just in case
there were any students in the audience who would fall
within those grades next year and wanted to get a head start
in researching the subject matter. Finally, Post Commander
John Flavin ended the ceremony with closing remarks.
I personally want to thank the
following individuals for volunteering their time in
counting/judging or both in the Patriot’s Pen Essay and the
Voice of Democracy contests. They are as follows: Sarah
Davis, Anne Marie Brothers, Marisa “Ri” Tanner (a member of
Back Bay VFW Post 1211) and Debra Ward. A big thanks are
also given to Bob De Champlain who served as the tiebreaker
in the Voice of Democracy Contest. For the Art Contest, a
big hand to Nick Bottis, who is, in fact, an art teacher,
and his help was very much appreciated.
Until next year . . .
Connie Mitchell
Scholarship Chairman
Our Community Awards Ceremony was held on Thursday, April
21, 2022. We had a great turnout of family and friends. The
social hour started at 6 p.m., with the ceremony starting at
7 p.m.
Commander Troy Wagers opened the
ceremony, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The
Invocation was given by Auxiliary member Jobil Bullock. The
Master of Ceremonies was Post Adjutant Michael Marushia.
Following the opening remarks,
which included remarks from Auxiliary President Dinah Doyle,
Connie Mitchell, Scholarship Chairman, stepped forward
explaining the contest rules for Patriot Pen, the theme on
which their essays were based (“How Can I Be A Good
American?”), and how they were judged. Afterwards, the
winners were announced beginning with our third-place
winner, Aidan D. Cole, second-place Mikayla Garr and
first-place Ana Liberatore, all of whom attend St. John
Apostle Catholic School. Each of these winners were
given a certificate and awarded a cash prize of $200, $450
and $700, respectively. Commander Wagers handed out
the certificates, while Auxiliary President Doyle passed out
the cash awards.
Under the Voice of Democracy,
after explaining how essay rules and how the essay was based
on a theme (“America: Where do we go from here?”), Connie
Mitchell began announcing the winners, beginning with
third-place winner Alexander Witt of Catholic High,
second-place winner Ian Johnson of Oaktree Academy, and
first-place winner Alexander Jones of Oaktree Academy.
Alex was also invited to read his essay to the audience, and
he did a fine job of it too. Each of these winners
were again given a certificate by Commander Wagers, with the
cash awards handed out by Auxiliary President Doyle in the
amounts of $200, $450, and $1,200, respectively.
Before stepping down, Connie
Mitchell revealed that National had announced the winners
for the Patriot Pen and Voice of Democracy contests for the
2021-2022 year. The Patriot Pen winner, an 8th
grader from Louisiana, won a cash-prize of $5,000. The
Voice of Democracy national winner, an 11th
grader from New York, won $30,000 to any American college of
their choice.
National also announced its new
theme for the 2022-2023 year. For Patriot Art - “My Pledge
to our Veterans” and for Voice of Democracy - “Why is the
Veteran Important?”
At this point Master of
Ceremonies Michael Marushia took over. After reading all of
the accomplishments of our Scout of the Year, and what a
list that was, one any parent would be proud of.
Afterwards, our winner Ivy Edwards was called forward to
receive her certificate and cash award of $400. Ivy is a 12th
grade student at First Colonial High School.
Next, the winners of the Young
American Creative Patriot Art program were called. The
winners are, starting in third place, Zinnia Giordano, 10th
grade student of Oaktree Academy, second-place Michael
Peters, a 12th grade student of Landstown High
School, and in first place Cadence Ungs, a 12th
grade student of First Colonial High School. Cash
awards of $100, $200 and $300 were awarded, respectively.
Next was our Teacher of the Year,
Stephanie R. Craig. Stephanie is the daughter of our Sr.
Vice Commander, Richard Craig. Although Stephanie was
not able to be with us, her accomplishments were read.
As Teacher of the Year for the high school level, she was
awarded $400.
And finally, our salute to
Virginia Beach’s Finest. Starting with Emergency
Medical Technician (EMT) of the Year, Captain Matt Vest,
being honored. While on active duty in the Army, he also
serves as a volunteer EMT. Next to be honored was
Firefighter of the Year, Master Firefighter Jessie J. Clark,
followed by Deputy Sheriff of the Year, Sgt. Jessica Thomson
and last, but not least, Police Officer of the Year, POII
Zachary P. Harrington. Along with their certificates,
Virginia Beach’s Finest each received a cash award of $500.
Many of their co-workers were in attendance to watch as they
were honored.
Before closing, kind words were
spoken from someone within each of the four organizations,
thanking the VFW for holding these ceremonies and for all
the hard work the VFW and its Auxiliary does in the
Auxiliary President Dinah Doyle
and Troy Wagers gave closing remarks, including thanking
Connie Mitchell for all the work done coordinating the
program again this year. A benediction was given by Connie
Mitchell and many photos were taken after the event ended.
Connie Mitchell
Scholarship Chairman/Chaplain
Auxiliary VFW Post 392
Congratulations to all that were nominated, and especially to those who received awards!!
VFW National Firefighter of the Year Award - 2016
December 6th, 2016
(Click each thumbnail to view full size photo)
On Tuesday, December 6th, 2016, VFW Post 392 Commander had the distinct honor and privilege to present the VFW National Firefighter of the Year Award for 2016 to Capt Ray Irizarry (now retired), of the Virginia Beach Fire Department. Captain Irizarry distinguished himself by being selected out of all the local VFW Community Service award winners submitted from across the nation. This is a great and proud moment for both Capt Irizarry and Post 392. Please enjoy the photos of the award ceremony below.
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2016 VFW Post 392 Community Awards
March 23rd, 2016
(Click each thumbnail to view full size photo)
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