Membership in the VFW
Membership in the VFW is based on eligibility earned by service in a foreign conflict or receipt of specific awards or medals. If you are interested in joining the VFW, please see the below section that discusses eligibility. If you are a current member of the VFW, further down the page you will find important information to assist you in getting the most out of being a Post or At-Large member.
Eligibility and Application
Are you interested in joining the VFW? First, click on the map to determine if you meet the criteria to join. A page on the VFW Membership website containing all current eligibility information will open for your review. If you would like to view larger version of the map, please click here. The VFW has produced a membership guidelines video that can be viewed at this link: VFW Eligibility Requirements - YouTube.
There are two methods of becoming a member of the VFW. The first is to visit the VFW's recruiting page at Join the VFW! and submit your application there. The second (and preferred) method is to locate (Find a VFW Post) and visit your local VFW Post, where you can complete an application for membership as a member in that specific post (Note, all members of all posts belong to the National VFW organization.) Once you have completed your application and submitted the required membership fees, your application will be reviewed and voted upon if submitted to a specific post for membership. If you meet the membership criteria, you will be issued a membership card and become a member eligible for all the benefits and privileges afforded to our members. There are three levels of membership - Annual Member, Life Member, and Legacy Life Member. As indicated by the names, Annual Memberships must be renewed each calendar year, whereas Life Memberships (which are invoiced based on your age) are just that - for life. Legacy Life members make additional contributions that support the Post on an annual basis. Need help in completing your application or assisting someone else with their application? Click here for the VFW Video: How to Fill out a VFW Membership Application - YouTube
So you're already a card carrying
member of the VFW, or just joined our organization? Well then welcome to our proud, historic
organization!! As with all fraternal organizations, ours derives
its power and standing through the active participation of the
membership. We highly encourage you to be participatory in your
local post, district, state, and national events, and more than anything
else, the support of our fellow veterans, whether members or not.
On the left side of this page, you will find links to various sections
of our website, where you can view our membership guide, monthly
newsletter, and calendar, find links to our state and national websites,
supporting agencies, important government sites, and other worthwhile
information. We recently updated our Membership Guide in August of
2021, so we encourage you to download it by clicking
here. The General Douglas MacArthur
Memorial VFW Post 392 is one of the largest posts in the Commonwealth of
Virginia. With over 2,100 members, including 1,750+ Life Members,
we are the 2nd largest and one of the most active posts in the state,
and 6th largest in the world. Our post leadership
is a combination of long-time and newer members, with many cumulative years of
experience serving in leadership positions within their branches of
service. Having leadership that spans several generations gives us a
unique ability to be able to interface with veterans from many
generations of service. We also have a very active Auxiliary of the VFW that
supports all post activities for which they are able and available. Our
AUX is one of the top organizations of its kind, and we would be lost
without their caring and support! The Post Canteen is open 7 days a week, and serves
lunch Monday through Sunday, and has a once or twice a month Thursday Night Dinners
(as scheduled),
prepared by member volunteers, weekly Friday night live entertainment
with our Steamed Shrimp Special and the kitchen open, a twice a month Sunday Morning
breakfast buffet between September and May, and during NFL season,
an open kitchen from 1:00 until 5:00 while all the games are shown on
our multiple TV's. Further
information can be found by clicking the "Calendar" link on this page
or reviewing the
New Member Information Guide.
Already a VFW Member?
VFW Post 392
We need volunteers to assist with our Post events.
Please contact any Post Officer or sign up via the rosters at the Post.
"Our strength is in our volunteers"
Copyright © 2010-2025 Veterans of the Foreign Wars of the United States and Veterans of the Foreign Wars of the United States Post 392. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy